пятница, 9 ноября 2007 г.

To begin with...

I’ve decided to devote my blog to Henry James and to one of his most successful work «The Portrait of a Lady». Unfortunately, I don’t know a lot about American’s authors and especially about theirs works; but when I was given a task to decide what author I would write about, I found out that Henry James’s works fill a highly important place in American Literature.
Moreover, «The Portrait of a Lady» is probably one of the most stunning achievement of Henry James early period (1860-1870) when he was transforming himself from a talented young American into a resident of Europe, a citizen of the world, and one of the greatest novelists of modern times.
Therefore, here you will find un information about Henry James, analysis and interpretation of «The Portrait of a Lady» and a lot of useful information, including presentation of Web sites relating to this topic

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